Bighelp Family 5K Run/Walk 2024

Time: Sign-in starts at 9:00 AM. Stretching starts at 9:30 AM. Walk/Run starts at 10:00 AM
Venu: Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds, 54 Emerald St, Wrentham, MA 02093
Prticipation: Free. You must register online using the link provided below. Optional donation $10 per participant.
Food:Complimentary brunch will be served to all participants.
Please click following link to submit your RSVP and register for Event.
Register for 5K Walk/Run
We encourage you to join our 'Bighelp Health Challenge' virtual group in the 'Pacer' app on your phone, walk daily until the event day, keep track of your steps and stay healthy. Prizes will be presented on the event day to the top 25 walkers that participated in this virtual challenge.
Click here on your phone to join the Bighelp Health Challenge
We are looking for volunteers to help us organize the event. Please click the following link to signup as a volunteer.
Signup as a volunteer